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If You Were the Last

  • Age limits 16+ 16+ Older than 16 years
  • Original name If You Were the Last
  • Country USA
  • Genre Comedy
  • Language Ukrainian
  • Starring Anthony Mackie, Zoë Chao, Natalie Morales
  • Directed by Kristian Mercado
  • Script Angela Bourassa
  • Duration 92 min

Adrift in their broken-down space shuttle with little hope of rescue, two astronauts argue over whether they're better off spending their remaining days as friends or something more.

We draw your attention to the fact that the Ukrainian version of this film is adapted for people with visual impairments and people with hearing impairments (use of these special features is carried out through mobile applications Earcatch, Subcatch).

Release {{moveArray[0].releaseDateText}}

Розклад сеансів {{num_word(sessionsList.length, wordArray)}}

Odesa, FontanSky Center
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