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Можна використовувати тільки українські або латинські символи, апостроф, також цифри, крапку, кому, лапки, а також символи "@", "-", "_"

Lessons of tolerance

  • Age limits 18+ 18+ Older than 18 years
  • Original name Уроки толерантності
  • Country Ukraine
  • Genre Comedy
  • Language Ukrainian
  • Starring Olena Uzlyuk, Oleksandr Yarema, Akmal Gurezov, Oleksandr Piskunov
  • Directed by Arkadiy Nepytaliuk
  • Script Ihor Bilyts, Arkadiy Nepytaliuk, Liudmyla Tymoshenko
  • Duration 95 min

Ten uneasy lessons in a tiny apartment in Ukraine. Teacher Nadia launches an EU-funded LGBT+ acceptance program. A typically intolerant family hesitantly decides to sign up to receive tempting financial supplements. Their task is to spend 24 non-alcoholic days with Vasyl, who is gay but might also be the best friend, long-forgotten relative, good therapist, attentive social worker, or a plumber photographer. Beer-loving mechanic Zenyk, an actress of a never-been theatre Diana, and impatiently aggressive Denys will tame hate and envy. Through amusing games, they will learn about homophobia, equality, empathy, gender discrimination, and self-fulfillment. A provocatively ironic mosaic of anecdotal sketches gradually forms a continuous labyrinth of black humor, tenderness, and witty sarcasm.

We draw your attention to the fact that the Ukrainian version of this film is adapted for people with visual impairments and people with hearing impairments (use of these special features is carried out through mobile application Movie Reading).

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