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«Ukrainian Independence. As It Is. Movie and Q&A with the film crew»

  • Age limits 0+ 0+ Without age limits
  • Original name День Незалежності
  • Country Ukraine, Poland
  • Genre Documentary
  • Language Ukrainian
  • Starring Yaroslav Kendzior, Oleh Repko, Elizaveta Buryanova, Serhii Serdyuchenko, Tetiana Chornovol
  • Directed by Volodymyr Tykhyy
  • Script Volodymyr Tykhyy
  • Duration 120 min

We invite everyone on August 18 to watch «Ukrainian Independence. As It Is» and for a meeting with the film crew at Cinema Citi (Megamall).

19:00 The beginning of the session

Meeting with the film crew after the movie

The film's events take place on a single day: August 24, 2022, the day Ukraine celebrates the 31st anniversary of the renewal of independent statehood. The film combines places and people that best capture the country's wartime spirit. The locations are: the relatively safe cities of Kyiv and Lviv; the cities under daily missile fire of Kharkiv and Mykolaiv, a trench at the frontlines in Donetsk oblast, and the beaches of Odesa. The film presents a day in the life of: a beach police patrol, a woman anti-tank missile soldier, a rapid assault unit soldier, a mortar unit soldier (all three serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine), a young pub worker, an artist and a former member of parliament. Together, these people and places will provide an engaging mosaic of a day in the life of Ukraine.

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Vinnytsia, Megamall
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