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Можна використовувати тільки українські або латинські символи, апостроф, також цифри, крапку, кому, лапки, а також символи "@", "-", "_"

The Taste of Freedom

  • Age limits 12+ 12+ Older than 12 years
  • Original name Смак Свободи
  • Country Ukraine
  • Genre Comedy, Fantasy
  • Language Ukrainian
  • Starring Iryna Kudashova, Tetiana Malkova, Tomasz Sobczak, Kostyantyn Temlyak
  • Directed by Оlexander Berezan
  • Script Olena Morentsova Shulyk
  • Duration 117 min

A young cook runs away to pursue her dream of becoming a chef at a prestigious restaurant in the city. Though when she stumbles upon a cookbook from 1929, authored by the legendary chef Olga Franko, her life takes an unexpected turn.

We draw your attention to the fact that the Ukrainian version of this film is adapted for people with visual impairments and people with hearing impairments (use of these special features is carried out through mobile application Movie Reading).

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