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Second tour

  • Age limits 16+ 16+ Older than 16 years
  • Original name Second tour
  • Country France
  • Genre Comedy
  • Language Ukrainian
  • Starring Cécile de France, Albert Dupontel, Nicolas Marié, Uri Gavriel
  • Directed by Albert Dupontel
  • Script Albert Dupontel
  • Duration 96 min

Pove is asked to follow the presidential campaign in progress. The front-runner is a fifty-year-old heir from powerful French family. Troubled by this candidate, Pove embarks on an investigation that is as surprising as it is jubilant.

Release {{moveArray[0].releaseDateText}}

Розклад сеансів {{num_word(sessionsList.length, wordArray)}}

Kyiv, Ocean Plaza
Завантажити ще 0 сеансів Показати менше

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