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Можна використовувати тільки українські або латинські символи, апостроф, також цифри, крапку, кому, лапки, а також символи "@", "-", "_"

The Teachers’ Lounge. New German cinema - 2023 (іn original)

  • Age limits 16+ 16+ Older than 16 years
  • Original name Das Lehrerzimmer
  • Country Germany
  • Genre Drama
  • Language German language with Ukrainian subtitles
  • Starring Leonie Benesch, Leonard Stettnisch, Michael Klammer
  • Directed by Ilker Çatak
  • Script Johannes Duncker, Ilker Çatak
  • Duration 98 min

When one of her students is suspected of theft, teacher Carla Nowak decides to get to the bottom of the matter. Caught between her ideals and the school system, the consequences of her actions threaten to break her.

Release {{moveArray[0].releaseDateText}}

Розклад сеансів {{num_word(sessionsList.length, wordArray)}}

Kyiv, Ocean Plaza
Завантажити ще 0 сеансів Показати менше

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