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Life to the Limit. Movie and Q&A with the film crew

  • Age limits 18+ 18+ Older than 18 years
  • Original name Життя на межі
  • Country Ukraine
  • Genre Documentary
  • Language Ukrainian, English, Russian
  • Starring Yuri Ivanyshyn, Pavlo Peleshok
  • Directed by Pavlo Peleshok
  • Script Pavlo Peleshok
  • Duration 150 min

We invite everyone on March 7 to watch «Life to the Limit» and for a meeting with the film crew at Cinema Citi (Megamall)

19:00 The beginning of the session

Meeting with the film crew after the movie

From the Revolution of Dignity to full-scale war: successful Ukrainian film producers took up arms to defend the country and cameras to record the gruesome reality. From the fragments of memories and their own film archive, veterans Pavlo and Yurko assemble a mosaic of the causes and consequences of today's Russian-Ukrainian war - from the end of 2013 to today. The authors went to the front as volunteers, visited the hotspots of Donbas, created the home-made drone «Furia», which is now named after one of the best air reconnaissance units. And all this time they continued to create in order to show the world the truth about the terrible war that became possible in the 21st century.

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Kyiv, Ocean Plaza
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