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Можна використовувати тільки українські або латинські символи, апостроф, також цифри, крапку, кому, лапки, а також символи "@", "-", "_"
  • Age limits 18+ 18+ Older than 18 years
  • Original name Клондайк
  • Country Ukraine, Turkey
  • Genre Drama
  • Language Ukrainian
  • Starring Oksana Cherkashyna, Sergey Shadrin, Oleg Shcherbina, Oleg Shevchuk
  • Directed by Maryna Er Gorbach
  • Script Maryna Er Gorbach
  • Duration 100 min

The story of a Ukrainian family living on the border of Russia and Ukraine during the start of the war. Irka refuses to leave her house even as the village gets captured by armed forces. Shortly after they find themselves at the center of an international air crash catastrophe on July 17, 2014.

Release {{moveArray[0].releaseDateText}}

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Kyiv, Ocean Plaza
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