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Можна використовувати тільки українські або латинські символи, апостроф, також цифри, крапку, кому, лапки, а також символи "@", "-", "_"

Intercepted. Presentation of the film

  • Age limits 16+ 16+ Older than 16 years
  • Original name Intercepted
  • Country Canada, France, Ukraine
  • Genre Documentary
  • Language Ukrainian + Russian language with Ukrainian subtitles
  • Starring -
  • Directed by Oksana Karpovych
  • Script Oksana Karpovych
  • Duration 120 min

We invite you to a special screening and discussion of the internationally acclaimed documentary "Intercepted" by Oksana Karpovych.
The event will take place on August 30 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cinema Citi in the SEC Fontan Sky Center. Director Oksana Karpovych will take part in the discussion, film critic Yevhen Dvorskyi will moderate the discussion.

The film opened the Docudays documentary film festival and received a special award from the ecumenical jury in the Forum program at Berlinale 2024.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the Ukrainian intelligence services have released hundreds of intercepted phone calls of the Russian military. Conversations between the occupiers and their loved ones in Russia are of the greatest interest. The voices of "peaceful" civilians - mothers, wives and friends - open the world's eyes not only to the course of the so-called "special operation", but also to the terrible inner world of the society behind its implementation. It is from such intercepts that the tape is made, which examines the nature of Russian imperialism and colonialism, the role of propaganda in the invasion, and touches on the issue of collective responsibility of Russian men and women.

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