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Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

  • Age limits 12+ 12+ Older than 12 years
  • Original name Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom
  • Country USA
  • Genre Fantasy, Action
  • Language Ukrainian
  • Starring Jason Momoa, Ben Affleck, Patrick Wilson, Temuera Morrison, Nicole Kidman
  • Directed by James Wan
  • Script David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, Mort Weisinger, Paul Norris
  • Duration 124 min

The new film is expected to delve deeper into their familial relationship, investigating how these former rivals can work together to save Atlantis. This perhaps suggests that Black Manta will pose a much larger threat to Atlantis in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, diving into the villain's origins and his hunt for vengeance against Curry, fit with a fresh, comic-accurate costume and a new army.

We draw your attention to the fact that the Ukrainian version of this film is adapted for people with visual impairments and people with hearing impairments (use of these special features is carried out through mobile applications Earcatch, Subcatch).

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